Cuban commander Fidel Castro detests sex tourism

Cuban commander Fidel Castro detests sex tourism

Catherine Bremer is a Reuters correspondent situated in Mexico City once the 2004 with occasional reporting trips someplace else into the Latin The united states, layer many techniques from elections so you can mudslides. She previously worked for Reuters inside Sri Lanka kvinnlig Paris, Brussels and you may London.

Somebody see day towards the seashore for the Havana, . Foreigners attended in order to Cuba for decades trying to escorts having night out and sex in exchange for merchandise otherwise bucks to assist the household. Cubans dub her or him “yumas”, a phrase observed getting Us citizens shortly after a great 1957 western set in the town from Yuma towards the U.S. border which have Mexico. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

Area Out of Childhood, Cuba (Reuters) – Oil dribbling as a consequence of their hands, the brand new Italian gobbles upwards several fried lobsters due to the fact girl, more youthful sufficient to getting his granddaughter, picks on some rice and you can delays.

Against them, We picture their chubby hands on that it rather 20-year-old mulatta and you may take into account the slim wall surface between their rooms in addition to that We have just rented within this Cuban family home. (περισσότερα…)

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